The most important thing in life is harmony between thoughts and actions. If we have harmony between our thoughts and actions we are able to earn the trust of many people in the world and then we can lead with credibility. High competence & strong character makes one a great business leader. Great leaders should have the ability to think like a person of action and he should act like a person of thought. The harmony between words, thoughts and deeds make one the most successful business leader.
Below we will see a few quotes that will stir us to the most appropriate approach in businesses and help us in performing best & delivering great results.
“We should always be prepared to deliver more than expected or more than needed.”
“The secret of change is that we should use all our energies in creating something new & not on fighting the old.”
“We have to clear out the old to make the way for the new.”
“You are a leader if your actions inspire others to dream more and learn more.”
“The value of an idea is in implementing it successfully. Execution is as important as ideas.” _Thomas Edison
“We are the creators of our own destiny by putting in the effort in whatever we want.”
“Think like a person of action and act so diligently that it will look like a person of thought.”
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage and audacity to pursue them.”
“Having boldness is essential to success. Boldness and audacity are the symptom of a genius.”
“Don’t repeat the same mistakes again and again. It is insanity to repeat the same mistakes again and again.” – A. Einstein
“Things are meant to be used and people are meant to be loved.”
“Embrace what you don’t know in the beginning. Learn by investing time and thought process. Then build on the pre-existing knowledge.”
“Don’t be miserly and narrow-minded to succeed in the world of business.”
“Don’t have a scarcity mindset but it is always good to have an abundance mindset.”
“Be willing to take risks for driving greater success in the future.”
“Tough people are able to crossover tough challenges also with grace, smile, gratitude, enthusiasm, courage and calmness.”
‘If we work for being significant we will succeed eventually.”
“It takes courage to make anything valuable.”
“It is better to do what we love than just doing it for the sake of doing it.”
‘We should always remember why we started.”
“The resolution to succeed is more important than anything else.”
“We have very short time in our life; therefore, we should utilize it in very significant pursuits.”
“We should have the courage to follow our heart and intuition.”
“We should go out of our way to give pleasure to others.”
“We should believe in ourselves to do anything great in life.”
”We should think in terms of win-win solutions at every moment.”